Sunday 30 June 2013

Eating Disorders Extra Facts :D

Eating Disorder Statistic    

Eating disorders affect 70 million people worldwide. 
Anorexia and Bulimia:
10-15% are male 
85 to 90 % are female.
40% of people suffering from eating disorders are females between the ages of 15 -19. 

Eating Disorder Side Effects
Those with Anorexia can be slightly overweight
Those with Binge Eating can be slightly underweight. 

Some of the side effects of Eating disorders

  • Malnutrition –Lack of energy, protein . Can cause respiratory infections, kidney failure, blindness, heart attack and death.

  • Dehydration – Lack of intake of fluids in the body 
  • Hyponatremia -   Drinking too much water 
Can cause fluid in the lungs, the brain to swell, nausea, vomiting, confusion and even death.

Eating Disorders In Teenagers

Teenagers are the largest group to suffer from eating disorder. They are exposed to the media . We are being degraded by what we chose to wear, say or what sizes of clothes that we wear. 
Common eating disorders happening in teenagers:

  • Binge Eating
  • Bulimia
  • Anorexia


Thursday 20 June 2013


We are a group of girls from Crescent Girls' School, 1G2.
We hope the info we provided you has helped you know more about eating disorders.
We hope that you will spread the message to your family and friends and tell them that if they are trying to slim down or gain weight by those methods, tell them to stop.
"Everyone is beautiful in their own ways."
 "We shouldn't go on with our lives suffering because someone told you that beauty is between a size zero and eight." 



 consuming a large amount of food in a short amount of time followed by an attempt to get rid of the food consumed by vomiting, taking a laxative
Signs and Symptoms  of bulimia :
·       extreme consciousness of weight
·        low self-esteem
·        low blood pressure
·        irregular menstrual cycle
·        constant trips to the bathroom
·        depression
How to overcome BUlimia:
-Seek help from your friends.They will give you support!

-Encourage yourself, tell yourself you CAN overcome this!

-Talk with your friends and parents

-Do something creative to keep you preoccupied 



key features:                               
§  refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
§  fear of gaining weight
§  distorted body image

Signs and symptoms of anorexia

§  Dramatic weight loss – Rapid, drastic weight loss with no medical cause.
§  Feeling fat, despite being underweight – You may feel overweight in general 
§  Overly concerned of body image – Obsessed with weight and body shape.Concern over tiny fluctuations in weight.
§  Harshly critical of appearance – Spending a lot of time in front of the mirror checking for flaws.
§  Denial that you’re too thin – You may deny that your low body weight is a problem, while trying to conceal it by drinking a lot of water before being weighed, wearing baggy or oversized clothes
anorexia, black and white, bulimia, eating disorder

Binge Eating

compulsive overeating in which people consume huge amounts of food while feeling out of control and powerless to stop. 
The key features of binge eating disorder are:
§  Frequent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating.
§  Feeling extremely distressed or upset during or after binge eating.
Behavioural symptoms of Binge Eating:
-Inability to stop eating or control what you’re eating
-Rapidly eating large amounts of food
 -Eating even when you’re full
  -Hiding or stockpiling food to eat later in secret
  Eating normally around others, but gorging when you’re alone
  Eating continuously throughout the day, with no planned mealtimes
Emotional symptoms of binge eating:
§  Feeling stress or tension that is only relieved by eating
§  Embarrassment over how much you’re eating
§  Feeling numb while bingeing—like you’re not really there or you’re on auto-pilot.
§  Never feeling satisfied, no matter how much you eat
§  Feeling guilty, disgusted, or depressed after overeating
§  Desperation to control weight and eating habits


Eating Disorder

Target Audience: Teenagers as they are the largest group with eating disorders.

1.  Teenagers nowadays are very cautious of their physical appearance and always think that they are too skinny or obese.
2. Peer pressure. The friend that they hang out with may always comment or criticize about their looks or size, calling them names.
3. To deal with stress. Teenagers need to cope with studies and sometimes family problems so they think that by eating, they can be happier.